Take the guesswork out of Toronto residential taxes. Get tax estimates instantly to help plan and budget.

Property Tax Rates

2021 Property Tax Rates

Description City Tax Rate Education Tax Rate City Building Fund Total Tax Rate
Residential 0.451291% 0.153000% 0.006722% 0.611013%
Multi-Residential 0.940384% 0.153000% 0.000000% 1.093384%
New Multi-Residential 0.451291% 0.153000% 0.006722% 0.611013 %
Commercial General 1.191313% 0.880000% 0.008873% 2.080186%
Residual Commercial
Band 1
1.108988% 0.840110% 0.008260% 1.957358%
Residual Commercial
Band 2
1.191313% 0.902476% 0.008873% 2.102662%
Industrial 1.179468% 0.880000% 0.005878% 2.065346%
Pipelines 0.868085% 0.880000% 0.012931% 1.761016%
Farmlands 0.112823% 0.038250% 0.001681% 0.152754%
Managed Forests 0.112823% 0.038250% 0.001681% 0.152754%
  • 2020 Property Tax Rates
  • 2019 Property Tax Rates

How Your Property Tax Bill is Calculated

Your property tax bill is calculated by multiplying the current year phased-in property assessment value, as determined by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC), by Council approved City Tax Rate(s) with the City Building Fund Levy and the Education Tax Rate, as set by the Government of Ontario.


Estimated taxes on a residential property with an Assessed Value of $698,801
Estimated property tax = Assessed Value x Total Tax Rate
= $698,801 x 0.611013%
= $4,269.76

City Building Fund Levy

On December 17, 2019, City Council adopted an increase to the City Building Levy by adding one per cent in 2020 and 2021 to existing 0.5 per cent increment and an additional 1.5 per cent annually from 2022-2025, inclusively (Item EX11.26).

Special Charges

Special Charges are included in the property tax instalment schedule.

Examples of special charges are:

  • Areaway charges
  • Business Improvement Area (BIA) levies
  • Local improvement charges
  • Repayment of the Home Energy Loan Program (HELP)

If you received a fee or charge (imposed under Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 441) relating to your property and the charge remains unpaid for more than 90 days, it may be added to your property tax account for collection.

Notification of charges added to your tax account is issued through a separate Transfer to Tax Statement and assigned a distinct payment due date.

A few examples of other charges added are:

  • Outstanding utilities (water and solid waste charges) transferred to tax
  • Municipal Licensing and Standards (MLS) charges
    • i.e. long grass and weeds, littering and dumping of refuse, or inspection charges, etc.
  • Street Allowance Rental Agreement (SARA)
  • Fire alarm charges
  • Building charges

Charges added to tax accounts are subject to the arrears collection process.

Property Tax Fees

Description Fee $
Current Year Tax Receipt – Per request. No charge
Dishonoured Cheque Processing – Processing a cheque returned by a bank or financial institution for reasons such as insufficient funds being available in the bank account upon which the cheque was drawn. $40 per cheque, per payment
Final Notice – For overdue property tax accounts. $24.55 per notice
Mortgage Company Administration Fee – Fee for mortgage company administration per property tax account to be invoiced bi-annually (interim and final tax bills). $10.82 (bi-annually)
Municipal Charges added to the tax roll – Any unpaid fee or charge, charged by the City or Agency for a service or for any other purpose, which has been added to the tax roll for collection purposes pursuant to a request from a City division or Agency other than the Revenue Services. $58.34
New property tax account set up fee $58.34
Notice of Issuance to Bailiff $65.37
Overdue utility amounts added to the tax roll (Transfer to Tax Notice) – For each overdue utility bill amount added. $40.81
Ownership Change Fee – A request to change ownership on a property tax account. $40.81
Ownership Change Fee – A request to change ownership on both tax and utility accounts for the same property when requested at the same time. $58.34 combined fee per property
Payment Re-Distribution Fee – Any request to re-distribute payment when an electronic payment has been made to an incorrect account. $45.76
Pre-Authorized Tax Payment (PTP) Program Reinstatement Fee – Request for re-enrollment to the PTP program. $26.53
Prior Year Tax Receipt – A statement of all payments applied towards a property tax account for a specific year. $18.74 per year, per account
Refunds Fee – A user fee will be charged to process applications for tax refunds when an overpayment/credit balance has remained on the property tax account for more than 2 years and the overpayment/credit balance is not the result of a City of Toronto initiated action. $40.81 per transaction/refund
Refund/Transfer Credit Balance Status Fee – A fee for professional representatives acting on behalf of the taxpayer who is requesting a refund transfer credit balance status. $40.81 per request
Reprint tax bill – For a request for the reproduction/reprint of a bill. $19.45 per bill
Statement of Accounts – (Overdue Tax Notices) A statement, excluding the statement sent in January of each year, which provides notification of outstanding taxes and provides the taxpayer with the opportunity to fulfill their tax obligations. $18.74 per statement
Tax Apportionment Application – An application under section 322 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006 for apportionment of unpaid taxes from parcel(s) of land to many newly created parcels of land, if each parcel can be legally conveyed under the Planning Act individually. $58.34 per application
Tax Calculation Statement – A statement outlining how annual property taxes, including any capping/claw-back or other adjustments, are calculated for individual commercial, industrial and multi-residential properties. $58.34 per tax account, per tax year
Tax Certificate – A statement of all amounts owing for taxes, issued by the City's Treasurer pursuant to Section 317 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006. $71.42 per certificate
Tax History Statement – A record of all transactions occurring within a property tax account for a specific taxation year. From 2005 to the present. $40.81 per tax account, per tax year
Tax Status Verification – A statement issued to a financial institution for mortgage purposes providing notification of whether property tax payments on an identified tax account are up to date. $29.17 per tax account

Fees are reviewed annually as part of the budget process and are subject to change.

Collection Fees

Sale of Lands for Tax Arrears

In accordance with the City of Toronto Act, 2006, the City, may fix a scale of costs to be charged as the reasonable costs of proceedings under section 356Opens in new window of the Act instead of charging the City's actual costs in determining any cancellation price. Cancellation price is defined in the City of Toronto Act, 2006, section 343 (1)Opens in new window

Description Fee $
Charges for Surveys, Advertising, Soil Testing, Preparation and Placement of Placards Actual Costs
Execution of Extension Agreement $1,207.05 per Agreement
Farm Debt Review Board $37.75 per Review + Actual Costs
Payment into Court and Statement of Facts $472.11 + Actual Costs
Preliminary Observation Report $371.50 per Report
Preparation & Notice of Registration – (Actual costs refers to actual disbursements) $37.75 per Notice + Actual Costs
Preparation and Registration of Tax Arrears Cancellation Certificate $254.89 + Actual Costs
Preparation of Final Notice $37.75 per Notice + Actual Costs
Preparation of Land Transfer $1,535.11 + Actual Costs
Preparation of Statutory Declaration $222.92
Preparation of Tender forms for Public Sale $37.75 per Notice
Public Tender Application $37.75 Due Upon Pick-up
Registered Mail Costs Actual Costs
Registration File Folders Actual Cost
Registration of Tax Arrears Certificate – (i.e. including title search execution search & registration) $1,121.36 + Actual Costs
Sale by Public Tender $1,057.37 + Actual Costs (i.e. advertising)
Tax Sale Proceeding – Site Visit Fee $222.92

Fees are reviewed annually as part of the budget process and are subject to change.

2020 Collection Fees